March 29, 2010


yesterday i went tomb sweeping early in the morning. about 6a.m., very early...
reached there and done nothing, just kept prayed and chat with my forefather???
haha. nope, just told he/ she always to bless my family live in peace. told with my heart only.
*don't think to much, i will scare. hehe*
then, i met a friend, sophie at there. so suprise why we will always met at outside.

the worst part was coming. my granddad's handphone rang and a relative told that...
a brother of my grandmum was died. although i didn't knew him very well but i was sad.
another relative was leaving us again. why people must die? why can't have a long life and won't die?
haih. just comfort myself to put it away about this bad news.

when finished, we went to eat breakfast in House of Dim Sum.
our parents were talking and i just kept eating, almost ignore them.
but seldom i will cut in when they were walking. am i rude? but nobody scolded me. *yeah*
dedededeng~ suprise! i met sophie again. what kinds of fate? haha.

accompany my dad and mum to pacific for bought some food and dunnage.
and i had bought myself some products of garnier. include sunblock.
the promoter said that my face some place was different colour. some dark some light? get it?

the picture i took yesterday.
why so blur?
my face colour not balance, right?


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