March 17, 2010

✖hang ouT

just came back from gurney. so why i'm going gurney today?
haha. cause i had hang out with my old friend from other school today. *lame*
reach there about 1p.m. walked to find them alone. had a little bit strayed at there. haih.
of course, finally i found them. thanks god!
went to accompany my friends bought shirt and books. still, i had fun with them.
then, went to take movie tickets. how i know, we had short of student cards. Jesus...
need 11 student cards, but just give her 10. but don't know why she just say okay.
i think her maths had some problem. haha. sure, i'm okay if she okay. ^^

Actually, it's quite long.

These were the longest tickets i had bought.
Maybe these were only 1/3 for you. hehe.

Watched alice in wonderland. besides that, bought many foods to enjoy in cinema.
it was quite funny... especially that white queen, her pose was so striking.
that red queen's head so big, that two fatty so ''cute''. haha... it's like this:
absolutely funny!

after watching, went to buy a necklace for my mum at beadszone then to kim gary.
we had a afternoon tea there! then walked to maggie A but a bunch of hair rubber bands.
finally, went back! i'm feeling so high and happy today. lol.
p.s.// my friends always keep repeating that sentence from alice in wonderland '' off with it's head ''.

.Picture of Day.


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