March 18, 2010

✖new handphonE

Whee! my relative bought me a handphone from China. It's 'apple' brand.
well, it was just from China, not from u.s. or you can ignore me for this because i'm dreaming. haha.
until now, i still don't know what it's this phone model name. is it ipod, iphone or ipad?
i'm totally confuse and blur for this, how can i do for understand this?
the phone is like this:

it is a touch screen phone.
it had a 'pen' beside it too, of course.
actually that black box is not a original box for loading handphone only;
it is a speaker. Cool right?

So, what is this model name? i don't know, who else knows?
kinda crazy for this. having this phone without knowing it's name.
I'm weird for this feeling that i never used to. haih.


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